Its feel late to make update.
And it feel mix inside of me.
But, i believe in Allah.
Dia sebaik2 perancang.
Dan dia yang terbaik mengetahui setiap isi hati.
Cerita bermula.
Ak masih lagi friend dgn crush.
What the hack.
Ak ade crush.
Yep.candy crush.
Once upon the time.
It was long time before.
Dengan keskemaan ak, maka di zaman purbakala itu.
Ia adalah suatu perhubungan jarak jauh.
Namun, jarak tidak menghalalkan kami.
Dan hari ini, aku sebumbung dengan nya.
Mende dengar dia berKURSUS di sini.
Maka aku mengelakkan diri dari ke kawasan dia check in.
Allah Maha Perkasa.
Maha Penyayang dari kalangan makhluk lain yg penyayang.
Allah hu akbar.
My first step in the place, i found nothing.
Well.. At a glance, i capture that CAPITAL LETTER.what..
It his organization.
Then, i back off and hide..
My eyes start searching around.
He is there!
Ya Allah. Memang dia.Memang dia.
I feel to make myself small and tinny very well.
And at same time, my girlfriends has been arrive. We hang out since we plan to do a set of bowling game.
We paid at counter(middle in the area) and i ask to play at opposite side of his. I with my uncontrollable behave, try to save my face there.
With hope, he dont realise me.
My silliness strategy came in my mind then i looking my ring.
I just hope to wearing it and if he do greet me. He could see it.
I do gaming without focus. And in the end, i only do "cuci longkang".
What can i say.
Even im lose im winning.
Win to bear that im there.
Lose coz i lose my game.
*backgrond music : all of me*
K. Bye..
Yg lepas, biarkan berlalu. Yang lalu, selalu dah ditentu. :)
*keep grown*movingon* nasihat : jgn bercinta masa belajar..bercintalah lepas kahwin.. K... Sekian.
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(66;) : " singgah bersila, senyum terukir,
follow la kita, komen secangkir..."
(66D) : "berbalas komen berpimpin tangan,
mekasih lah sudi di sini kita berhubungan...;"